Gulf Technical Trading & Company, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Gulf Technical Trading & Company
Seller ID: SA7951917827
Registration Date: 29-08-2017 13:37:53
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Marketing & Distributers
Established Year: 1993
Total Staff:
Category: Food and Beverages
Sub Category: Manufacture and Distribution

Gulf Technical Trading & Company

Gulf Technical Trading & Company was established over a decade ago with the unique purpose of providing quality food products with the best ingredients. Delivering a wide array of dairy, dry and frozen products to over a 1,000 clients across the Sultanate of Oman, GTTC has evolved into a leading venture by strategically carving out its own niche in marketing, distribution and logistics in a variety of brands of food products and allied services. Having set up its operations in 1993 by establishing its first 2 divisions, GTTC upholds the strengths and values of the LIFCO group as its subsidiary and has achieved accelerated growth by capitalized on opportunities that have risen across the country through diversification of products. Currently catering to a client base of national hypermarkets, supermarkets, grocery stores, institutions, restaurants and hotels, the organization is steered towards targeted success by the long term vision of the Management which places special emphasis on strength in diversity.

   Gulf Technical Trading & Company

   P.O. Box ,556, P.C. 131, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman 131

   +968 24811877




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