Abu Asaad Al Amri Trad & Cont. LLC, Mina Al Fahal, , Sultanate of Oman
Abu Asaad Al Amri Trad & Cont. LLC
Seller ID: SA6592843646
Registration Date: 22-08-2017 15:11:22
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Trading company
Established Year: 1980
Total Staff:
Category: Trading Company
Sub Category: Steel and Building Materials

Abu Asaad Al Amri Trad & Cont. LLC

Since 1980, Abu Asaad Al Amri has been serving the Sultanate of Oman, setting industry standard for performance and technical innovation with the two brands "Bends & Bends" and "Alpha Graphics". While Bends & Bends is the pioneer of pipe bending and pipe fabrication in the Sultanate, Alpha Graphics serves specializes in graphics and signage with the recent step-forward in static web design. We have built our reputation by performing the highest quality in our services and products. We provide the most innovative solutions on the widest range of demanding and high profile projects. We act as a 'catalyst' for our clients, providing solutions beyond our expertise. At heart, we are a unit of people who are passionate about taking on immense challenges that matter to leading organizations. We are proud of the fact that "The sun never sets at Abu Asaad Al Amri Trad. & Cont

   Abu Asaad Al Amri Trad & Cont. LLC

   P.O.Box 291, P.C. 116, Mina Al Fahal, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24830828



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