Abu Maather Trading & Contracting LLC, Jibroo, , Sultanate of Oman
Abu Maather  Trading & Contracting LLC
Seller ID: SA8991427867
Registration Date: 28-08-2017 11:05:33
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Category: Building and Construction
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Abu Maather Trading & Contracting LLC

Abu Maather Trading & Contracting Company LLC an ISO Certified Company, engaged with specialization of works for services related to a coating for fire and water. We established our organization in end of the year 2007. Initially started with water proofing and fire coating works, later expanding to the specialization of works for floor and protective coating and then to injection works. Established and further expanding with well-experienced staff and workers, we commit to handing over a satisfactory and quality work. We are engaging periodic training for specialization works for our Manufacturers, so as to achieve a prominent quality work.

   Abu Maather Trading & Contracting LLC

   P.O.Box 734, P.C 114, Jibroo, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24787625, 24792255



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