AHM Trading & Transports, Madinat Al Sultan Qaboos, , Sultanate of Oman
AHM Trading & Transports
Seller ID: SA9217644579
Registration Date: 12-10-2017 11:26:32
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Trading & Transports
Established Year: 1997
Total Staff:
Category: Trading Transport and Contracting Company
Sub Category:

AHM Trading & Transports

AHM Trading & Transports was established to provide services in oil & gas industry in 1997 and expanded its service in 2007. As a company owning years of experiences in service oriented support to energy sector, we are mainly focusing to provide service support for companies working in oil & gas sector in the Sultanate. The AHM Oilfield Services is now near to its goal and strategy, initiated in 2007. The strategy is known as Shared Vision and aims to rebuild the company and revitalize the AHM Trading & Transports as Oilfield Services combining its previous activities along with involvement in new sectors for creative business interest in oil & Gas Sector and other markets as well. AHM Oilfield Services is now located at Al Azhaiba in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, its postal address is PO Box. 131, PC. 115, MSQ and founded by Abdullah Hamood Mohammed Al Shukaili, a highly experienced with forty years of technical and managerial work experience in a multi national oil & gas company. His ability to build strategy is the secret of our progress. Under this esteem leadership the company is operated with trustworthiness that have established an internal culture of being honest and straightforward. We do what we say and follow through in treating our business with the proper respect and flexibility that our valued customers deserve.

   AHM Trading & Transports

   PO Box: 131, PC 115, Madinat Al Sultan Qaboos, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24495432



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