Al Ahlia Converting Industries Co.SAOC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Ahlia Converting Industries Co.SAOC
Seller ID: SA8743691495
Registration Date: 21-08-2017 12:30:44
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Consumer Products
Established Year: 1997
Total Staff: 100
Category: Consumer Goods
Sub Category: Manufacturing

Al Ahlia Converting Industries Co.SAOC

Al Ahlia Converting Industries Co. –SAOC (ACI), established in the year 1997 is a leading converter of consumer products - Tissue, Aluminum foil & Food wrap / Cling film in the country. The Company’s manufacturing facility is located in the Sohar Industrial area, Sohar, Sultanate of Oman. The location of the plant offers unique competitive advantage in terms of being in Oman, and at the same time close proximity to the much larger market of UAE ( 70 Kms from the Oman- UAE border). The Corporate office is located in CBD, Muscat, the capital city of Oman. ACI has a very dedicated team of sales professionals, well equipped with the technical know-how of the products and the market knowledge. ACI enjoys good market reach and have Depots/warehouse in the various regions of the Sultanate of Oman. ACI is successfully catering to the neighboring markets of UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, and Pakistan through its extensive distribution network.

   Al Ahlia Converting Industries Co.SAOC

   P.O. Box 262, Postal Code 130, Azaiba, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24789450



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