Al Aktham Restaurant, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Aktham Restaurant
Seller ID: SA7774417595
Registration Date: 14-10-2017 09:48:47
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Hotel and Restaurant
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Hotel and Restaurant
Sub Category: Hospitality

Al Aktham Restaurant

Since 1987, Al Aktham has served its patrons with exquisite culinary delights, prepared with exemplary finesse and unique taste. A variety of global cuisine ranging from Sumptuous Arabic dishes, Well Crafted Continental fare, Exotic Chinese preparations and Traditional Indian flavors with over 380 dishes on the menu, the guests have a wide variety of choices whilst having the satisfaction of quality, savory culinary delights with a vibrant and option for private dining spaces, it is no surprise that Al Aktham with a seating capacity to accommodate 150 persons is easily the favorite choice to host a family outing, an important social event, a corporate get together or simply to taste good food

   Al Aktham Restaurant

   PO 569, PC 111, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24478700,24479762



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