Al Busaidy Mansoor Jamal & Co, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Al Busaidy Mansoor Jamal & Co
Seller ID: SA6885683438
Registration Date: 23-08-2017 18:17:36
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Legal Services
Established Year: 1979
Total Staff: 11-50
Category: Legal Services
Sub Category: Banking and Finance

Al Busaidy Mansoor Jamal & Co

Al Busaidy Mansoor Jamal & Co (AMJ) is a leading, commercial law practice based in the heart of Muscat’s business and financial district. As the Sultanate of Oman has developed and prospered, so the Firm has evolved over the past 35 years into Oman’s largest legal practice, top-ranked for its work in banking and finance, corporate/commercial and dispute resolution work. We have a track record of delivering high quality legal services on both domestic and cross-border transactions to international and leading local corporates, financial institutions, private individuals, and government. AMJ’s talented and dedicated staff comprises more than 50 resident international and Omani lawyers and support professionals working in teams led by partners, Mansoor Jamal Malik, Dr Said Hilall Al Busaidy, Ardeshir Patel, Ahmed Hashim and Marcus Pery. Our lawyers come from a variety of jurisdictions around the world including the USA, UK, New Zealand, South Africa, Egypt, Sudan, Iraq, Pakistan and India. Complementing this international expertise, is a sizeable contingent of qualified Omani lawyers, including four licensed Court of Appeal advocates, whom the Firm has nurtured and over a period of years.

   Al Busaidy Mansoor Jamal & Co

   P.O. Box 686, Postal Code 112, Ruwi, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 24814466



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