Al Faisal Company, Madinat Al Sultan Qaboos, , Sultanate Of Oman
Al Faisal Company
Seller ID: SA1148823962
Registration Date: 17-09-2017 17:50:53
Select Membership Plan ... Member / Active
Business Type: Retail
Established Year: 1976,
Total Staff: 11-50
Category: Retail
Sub Category: Gifts Shops

Al Faisal Company

Al Faisal Company was established in 1976, the company was the stepping stone for the group into business activities beginning with trading in local and ethnic perfumery products and slowly but gradually grew in stature over the years as a leading distributor/retailer of perfumery products, watches, cosmetics & accessories. The success was not short of pitfalls and struggles and the growth since its inception can be attributed to careful planning, dogged work, single- minded, perseverance and personal commitment of two decades. Even though the company started its activities with Arabic fragrances, once the management decided to throw open the doors to international representation, it took less than a decade through careful media projection at international fora to gain the maximum exposure required for recognition as a potential importer/distributor for products manufactured outside the sultanate of Oman, offering the best facilities.

   Al Faisal Company

   P.O Box . 59, P.C 115, Madinat Al Sultan Qaboos, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 2490085,24591670



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