Al harib International Construction, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Al harib International Construction
Seller ID: SA2838658921
Registration Date: 31-08-2017 15:45:24
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Civil Engineering Works
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Civil Engineering Works

Al harib International Construction

Al harib international construction is a company of experienced professionals and skilled trades personnel offering a wide range of design and construction services. We are a group of individuals with diverse qualifications working as a team with leadership that draws from more than 25 years of work throughout the GCC. Our mission is to provide our customers technically advanced design solutions with economically effective building services in a manner that consistently meets the logistical challenge for arctic shipping and construction scheduling, and to build a company with the ability to consistently offer design and construction services that will build capacity in OMAN through trades apprenticeships and safe work training programs Al harib international construction will evolve and adapt with new technology as the OMAN continues to meet the needs of a growing population. We are involved in a unique part of our industry that leads in development of practical design and construction practices to withstand the test of time with quality and integrity.

   Al harib International Construction

   P.O.Box 1151,P.C.130, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 130

   +968 92351076,9947843




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