Al Hashar Tourism & Travel, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Hashar Tourism & Travel
Seller ID: SA5961196957
Registration Date: 21-08-2017 14:05:16
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Leisure, Travel & Tourism
Established Year:
Total Staff: 11-50
Category: Tours & Travel
Sub Category:

Al Hashar Tourism & Travel

Al Hashar Tourism & Travel: a well known name in the travel trade of Oman since 1984, an IATA accredited agent, stands proud today after having won more than 50 sales awards from the airlines of world repute, with a rising graph of success both in the size and professionalism under the able guidance and support of Board of Directors and management of Mr. M. Mehmood as General Manager, having more than 30 years of vast experience in the travel industry. Al Hashar Tourism & Travel is well equipped to cater to the travel, tour and Cargo needs of all walks of life. The diversified activities include Air Ticketing, Holidays, Oman tourism, Hotel/Rent A Car booking, Air/Ship Cargo, Courier and Travel Insurance extending the concept of one stop travel shop to its valued customers. The priority of the travel agency is to provide customers with personalized care, professional travel counseling and competitive pricing. The vast experience of catering successfully to the travel needs of the Ministries, PDO, Govt. departments and large Business houses, Individuals and the honor of organizing foreign trips for VIPs/CIPs and top class delegations are good enough proof of our professionalism

   Al Hashar Tourism & Travel

   P.O Box 2016, P.C 114, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24836100



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