Al-Hathaifa Modern Trading Ent. L.L.C, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Al-Hathaifa Modern Trading Ent. L.L.C
Seller ID: SA6754269672
Registration Date: 06-09-2017 13:26:11
Free Member / Active
Business Type:
Established Year: 2009
Total Staff:
Category: Computer Software
Sub Category: IT Solutions

Al-Hathaifa Modern Trading Ent. L.L.C

A Unique Experience - Al-Hathaifa Modern Trading Ent. LLC We are at the forefront of a select breed of companies backed by a large pool of resources that bond the power of advanced IT solutions with conventional sectors of sales and manpower. We are branded as a specialized platform in understanding our client establishments‟ needs and in providing customized solutions based on the needs. We maintain a competitive edge over others in the industry with our quality policy and ensure the success of our business even under unpredictable economic pressures. We have been a key player in the business for the past 7 years, specializing in Information Technology products, I T services, and manpower consultancy. Our aim is to deliver quality services and solutions in a customer focused and cost effective manner respecting timelines.

   Al-Hathaifa Modern Trading Ent. L.L.C

   P.O. Box: 84, Postal Code: 101,, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman 101


   +968 24600572



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