Al Hayat International Hospital, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Hayat International Hospital
Seller ID: SA3832947189
Registration Date: 16-09-2017 14:38:02
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Hospital
Established Year: 1995
Total Staff:
Category: Hospital and Health Care
Sub Category: Hospitals

Al Hayat International Hospital

Al Hayat International Hospital. We are a locally owned and operated medical center in operation since 1995. Over the years, we've grown from a single doctor cardiology practice, to a multi-specialty Hospital with services for the whole family including In-Patient services. From the moment our doors opened, we have worked to bring the most qualified and accomplished doctors to Oman. Today we are home to a team of internationally-qualified doctors – many of whom hold qualifications from Europe and the U.S. Founded by a U.K.-trained cardiologist, we are particularly renowned for our expertise in interventional cardiology, orthopedic surgery, laparoscopic surgery, cosmetic surgery, sleep medicine, neurology, 64 slice CT scan and diabetes. About 80 highly qualified senior consultants are offering their expertise in almost all branches of medicine. Al Hayat strives to provide all patients with effective treatment and education about their health. We pride ourselves on taking the time to ensure our patients fully understand their diagnosis and the measures they can take to achieve maximum quality of life. Our goal is to treat every patient with the same attention, skill and respect that we would give to our own family members. If you'd like to schedule an appointment with one of our doctors, or simply have questions, please contact us at 22004000 or send email at

   Al Hayat International Hospital

   Ali Shaihani Complex, Al Ghubra Roundabout, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 22004000



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