Al Intaj Sulphochemical Ind. Co. L.L.C, Sohar, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Intaj Sulphochemical Ind. Co. L.L.C
Seller ID: SA8354599128
Registration Date: 19-08-2017 17:25:17
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Chemicals
Established Year: 1994
Total Staff:
Category: Chemicals & Solvents
Sub Category: Chemical Industries

Al Intaj Sulphochemical Ind. Co. L.L.C

The Sultanate of Oman is a beautiful country endowed with fascinating natural sceneries situated in the South East corner of Arabian Peninsula with approx 1,700 Km of coastal line, which is one of the oldest sea routes in the world. It is the advantage of this location across Arabian Peninsula to get connected with various countries in the west, east, north and south. This country is wonderful blend of the past and present. The Company was founded in year 1994, the company started the commercial production in 1996. Over the years it has become the second largest Sulphonation plant in the G.C.C region

   Al Intaj Sulphochemical Ind. Co. L.L.C

   PO Box 3, Sohar, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24789187



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