Al Jarwani Hospitality, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Jarwani Hospitality
Seller ID: SA1475355815
Registration Date: 20-08-2017 15:22:55
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Hospitality Service
Established Year:
Total Staff: 10,001
Category: Group of Company
Sub Category: Hospitality Service

Al Jarwani Hospitality

The Al Jarwani Hospitality (AJH) is part of the prestigious Al Jarwani Group. (, a renowned group of companies which has been proactively positioning itself to be a prominent contributor to the Sultanate's Commercial, Warehouse, Residential, Shopping Malls, Health Care and Hospitality sector's growth in the recent past. Al Jarwani Hospitality (AJH) consists of verticals which can cater to all hospitality needs such as: Facilities Management, Event Management, Outdoor/Indoor Banquets, Mass Catering, Retails and Mass Laundry,Industrial/Commercial Cleaning/Recycling and Janitorial Services, Logistics ready to eat and ready to Cook Products and Hotel Management. We at AJH deliver inspired and fresh ideas whilst maintaining a service which we believe to be unbeatable. In order to achieve this, our primary goal is to listen to our clients’ needs before creating inspired solutions.

   Al Jarwani Hospitality

   PO Box 1986 CPO Postal Code 111, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 22082270



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