Al Mansoor International LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Mansoor International LLC
Seller ID: SA2561318289
Registration Date: 22-08-2017 13:17:37
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Water Supply Services
Established Year: 1992
Total Staff:
Category: Water Supply Services
Sub Category: Water Supply Contracts

Al Mansoor International LLC

Founded in 1992 under the umbrella of Al Sulaimi Group, Al Mansoor International is one of the pioneers in the water supply sector of Oman. Al Mansoor International had the achievements, milestones and the years of market experience of our parent company bestowed on us when we set sails. We are proud of our heritage and have created for ourselves an outstanding name in the water industry of Oman through these years.Our expertise in executing water supply contracts and the highest standards of delivery has won us classic customer confidence like no other. Opening ourselves to new ideas, adopting latest technology and operating more sustainably, we have covered a long way in becoming a key player in the water industry of Oman. We believe that the indigenous population can do the best in contributing to Oman's spur of growth and hence, we ensure that they become a part of our large team. We have achieved this to a great extent as is evident from the large Omani work force that forms the crux of our workforce both onsite and in our offices.

   Al Mansoor International LLC

   PO Box 1405, PC 112, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24480941



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