Al Naboogh Trading, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Naboogh Trading
Seller ID: SA9811194742
Registration Date: 28-07-2017 13:28:30
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Corporate Gifts and Promotional Items
Established Year: 1993
Total Staff: 1-10
Category: Advertising
Sub Category: Corporate Gifts and Promotional Items

Al Naboogh Trading

Al Naboogh Trading has been in the businesss of gifting since the past 16 years. Whether its for employees, senior management or other partnerships, our gift items enhance critical relationships and benefit your business. We have a wide range of gifts and promotional items and are also able to provide personalized gift items as per your requirements and which can meet the needs of the organization. Al Naboogh Trading provides a full range of services that includes sourcing the item, creating artworks, branding, embossing, printing, and supplying. Our sources come from different parts of the world including China, India and Dubai. We have a branch office in Mumbai, India and continue to expand across the region.

   Al Naboogh Trading

   P.O Box 36, Postal Code 130, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 99349147




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