Al Saif Al Lamaa Building Material, Al Buraimi, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Saif Al Lamaa Building Material
Seller ID: SA7819776848
Registration Date: 01-10-2017 12:21:58
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Building Materials and Construction
Established Year: 2007
Total Staff:
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Building Materials and Construction

Al Saif Al Lamaa Building Material

Since its inception in 2007 , ALSaif AlLamaa company seeks to provide the local market with the latest and the finest building, construction and finishes materials, sanitary ware and complementary in addition to the paints. The company is building an integrated internal working environment to increase the loyalty of employees of the company, in order to achieve the highest satisfaction rates in the public interest in the context of the continuity of the development of relationships with manufacturers and leading suppliers. Also, we emphasis on providing the best services to customers using the latest tools and equipment and advanced management techniques. We are working on formation of a large base of consumers to make AlSaif AlLamaa one of the companies that have the advantage to the customer, with our commitment to speed and credibility.

   Al Saif Al Lamaa Building Material

   P.O.Box: 987, P.C.512, Al Buraimi, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 95946699

   +968 25651516



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