Al Sarooj Group, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Sarooj Group
Seller ID: SA5761486485
Registration Date: 28-07-2017 12:27:48
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Vehicle Service Center
Established Year: 1984
Total Staff:
Category: Group of Company
Sub Category: Vehicle Service Center

Al Sarooj Group

Al Sarooj Group is Oman’s largest privately owned forecourt operators. Expanding its portfolio since 1984, Al Sarooj Group currently owns and operates around 54 filling station (60% owned) spread all over the sultanate and has a turnover of OMR 60 Million (equivalent to USD 150 Million) and over 500 employees. Al Sarooj Group is also ISO 2000:9001 certified by the Bureau Veritas. We are dedicated to customer satisfaction by providing quality services in a timely manner as well as the provision of added value services (retail and fast food) through team work and commitment to continual improvement. Our outstanding performance has opened up the international scene and expanded our activities to Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, & UAE. The diversity and variety in each of these markets has enabled us to develop and implement tailored solutions and to provide consultancy services –in developing sites infrastructure, designing, engineering, and supervision- in retail stations, service stations, car washes and convenience stores.

   Al Sarooj Group

   P.O.Box 1413, P.C 112, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24601199



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