Al Zain Nursery, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Al Zain Nursery
Seller ID: SA8447725185
Registration Date: 01-09-2017 11:20:43
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Education Management
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Educational Institutes And Universities
Sub Category: Schools

Al Zain Nursery

The nursery years are of crucial importance as they prepare children not only for school, but for all their future learning experiences, this precious times are highly formative to a child development, which is why their experience should be happy, active, fun and safe. A nurturing environment and highly skilled staff are essential, as is a thorough programme-or curricula to guide and support each child development. This curriculum is based on the British Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) programme and has been modified with additional components, such as Arabic language and Islamic culture and customs, to make it relevant to the unique circumstances of the international child. The basic building blocks of learning are play, curiosity, creativity, questioning and imagination. Through guided activities, children acquire the necessary levels of social, emotional cognitive and physical development to enable them to function as independently as possible in their surroundings. In addition to supporting the children, the curriculum also informs parents about the expected and actual stages of development of their child

   Al Zain Nursery

   The Zain, Door No: 02, Azaibha,, Behind Shell Petrol Station, PB - 633, Azaiba 100, Oman, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman 100

   +968 92888284, 98027373




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