Ali Saif Al-Mahrooqi Transport Co, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Ali Saif Al-Mahrooqi Transport Co
Seller ID: SA6777341124
Registration Date: 06-09-2017 14:34:38
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Transport Company
Established Year: 1979
Total Staff:
Category: Transportation and Logistics
Sub Category: Cargo and Freight Services

Ali Saif Al-Mahrooqi Transport Co

Riding on Oman's strength's as trading hub, Ali Saif Al-Mahrooqi Transport Co. was set up in 1979 and has played an important role in the Nation's development through its logistics expertise and ability to professionally transport goods through the country. Starting with just 12 vehicles Ali Saif Al-mahrooqi Transport Co. LLC today operates a fleet of over 150 vehicles including trailers, tippers, forklift, tankers, cranes and other specialized equipment. in fact, over the years the Company has forged itself as a specialist in heavy-duty haulage for the Oil and Gas industry, for which it fulfills a haulage for the Oil and Gas industry, for which it fulfills a wide variety of logistical need

   Ali Saif Al-Mahrooqi Transport Co

   P.O.Box: 1712, P.C.3, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24593917,24591115



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