Arabian Crane Services L.L.C., Al Udhaybah, , Sultanate of Oman
Arabian Crane Services L.L.C.
Seller ID: SA1867477050
Registration Date: 31-07-2017 14:06:68
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Machinery
Established Year: 1999
Total Staff:
Category: Mobile Cranes Machinery
Sub Category: Machinery

Arabian Crane Services L.L.C.

ACS Oman founded in 1999 by Engineer Abdel Ghani Athmani and responsible for its successful operations in Oman. ACS is an elite and authorized dealer of GROVE WORLDWIDE in the Sultanate of Oman. We are specialists in sales and repair of Mobile Cranes especially GROVE, COLES, KRUPP, NATIONAL Crane & all SAFETY EQUIPMENT for Cranes & Lifting appliances. During his 30 years in the field repairing Grove cranes, Abdel Athmani, owner and founder of Manitowoc dealer Arabian Crane Services, has held to his philosophie of superior customer service. "When a customer is down in the field it is not only an inconvenience, but a financial loss" he said. "That's why we are commited to getting customers up and running very quickly and most times that is within 24 hours.This commitment reflects Athmani's passion for Grove cranes. His association with the brand began in 1982 when he was employed by Coles Crane (which was eventually acquired by Grove in 1984) as a service engineer in Algeria.

   Arabian Crane Services L.L.C.

   P.O. Box 453, PC. 130, Al Udhaybah, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24593068



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