Areej Vegetable Oils & Derivatives S.A.O.G, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Areej Vegetable Oils & Derivatives S.A.O.G
Seller ID: SA1973263159
Registration Date: 04-09-2017 10:55:39
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Consumer Goods and Food Products
Established Year:
Total Staff: 11-50
Category: Consumer Goods
Sub Category: Vegetable Oils and Derivatives

Areej Vegetable Oils & Derivatives S.A.O.G

At the heart of good health is good nutrition. At Areej Vegetable Oils and Derivatives (AVOD) S.A.O.G., our mission is to help you live a smarter, healthier life by helping you make smarter choices. A nutritious meal cooked with the right ingredients is the source of greater health and happiness not just for you and your family, but for the whole community. Eating healthier at home starts with the ingredients you use and the preparation method you choose. For over 30 years, our top quality cooking oils, ghee, margarines, specialty fats, butter and mayonnaise have been delivering delicious flavors and textures and when used in moderation, are the perfect ingredients for you and your quest for a healthier life.

   Areej Vegetable Oils & Derivatives S.A.O.G

   P. O. Box: 22 - Rusayl Postal Code: 124, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 124


   +968 24448000



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