A'Saffa Foods S.A.O.G, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
A'Saffa Foods S.A.O.G
Seller ID: SA2694731549
Registration Date: 19-08-2017 14:21:40
Free Member / Active
Business Type:
Established Year: 2001
Total Staff: 703
Category: Food Stuff Manufacturers
Sub Category: Foods Producer

A'Saffa Foods S.A.O.G

A'Saffa Foods, S.O.A.G (Earlier A'Saffa Poultry farms, S.A.O.G) is located in Thumrait, Southern Dhofar Region in the Sultanate of Oman. A’Saffa produces 21 million naturally- fed and hand slaughtered chickens a year. A’Saffa poultry is 100% natural and contains no added hormones and steroids, artificial flavour and colour or chemical preservatives and synthetic ingredient. It’ s all part of our effort to give you the most natural product possible - assuring A’Saffa as your natural & tasty choice

   A'Saffa Foods S.A.O.G

   P.O Box : 3436, PC: 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 22360250



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