Aster Al Raffah Hospital, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Aster Al Raffah Hospital
Seller ID: SA6642872961
Registration Date: 16-09-2017 13:19:22
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Hospital
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Hospital and Health Care
Sub Category: Hospitals

Aster Al Raffah Hospital

Currently one of the largest and fastest growing conglomerates in the MENA region, Aster DM Healthcare covers the full spectrum of healthcare services and maintains an expansive portfolio which includes hospitals, clinics and retail pharmacies. In 2009 Aster DM Healthcare extended their services to the Sultanate of Oman by establishing two multi-specialty hospitals and five clinics under the Aster Al Raffah name. The Aster Al Raffah Clinics operate in Sohar, Liwa, Ruwi, Al Khoud and Amerat, while the Aster Al Raffah Hospitals are located in Sohar and Ghobra, Muscat. The Aster Al Raffah Hospital in Sohar is a JCI accredited, 60 bed multi-specialty hospital that provides specialised treatments for acute and chronic disorders, while the hospital in Ghobra Muscat is an 80 bed multi-specialty medical facility that is equipped with the latest healthcare technology and equipment. The Aster Al Raffah clinics provide primary health care services and possess highly skilled and experienced specialists who are adept at accurately diagnosing and providing treatments for both simple and complex disorders in a wide variety of specialisations, thereby providing the residents of Oman with easily accessible, high quality healthcare services. In a world where health problems are multiplying by the day, Aster Al Raffah aims to make a difference, with its patient-centered approach to medical care.

   Aster Al Raffah Hospital

   P.O Box 1262, P.C 113, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24618900



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