Atlas International Engineering Consultants (AIEC), Nizwa, , Sultanate Of Oman
Atlas International Engineering Consultants (AIEC)
Seller ID: SA9882541833
Registration Date: 05-10-2017 12:45:11
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Engineering Consultants
Established Year: 2006
Total Staff:
Category: Engineering Consultancy
Sub Category: Architectural

Atlas International Engineering Consultants (AIEC)

Atlas International Engineering Consultants was established in 2006. The initial focus of the company was the power and water utility sectors. Since 2006 the company has built upon its experience in the power and water sectors and expanded its services to include transportation infrastructure, architecture, surveying, water resources engineering and environmental consulting. Atlas International Engineering Consultants now has registered offices in the Sultanate of Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.

   Atlas International Engineering Consultants (AIEC)

   P.O Box. 1130 P.C 611, Nizwa, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 24283635



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