Azzan Al Badi Trading, Sohar, , Sultanate of Oman
Azzan Al Badi Trading
Seller ID: SA7435446691
Registration Date: 24-07-2017 11:11:21
Free Member / Active
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Category: Trading Company
Sub Category: Electrical Products & Industrial Instrumentation

Azzan Al Badi Trading

Azzan Al Badi Trading is a supplier of electrical products to industrial, commercial and residential markets. Our product line includes Circuit Breakers, motor control, distribution products, wire and cable, lighting fixtures, conduit, boxes and fittings, wiring devices and many other products. We are proud of our ability to provide a responsive and flexible approach in meeting all of our customers needs and endeavor to maintain the best levels of service and support in the electrical industry. If you are an electrical contractor or maintenance electrician, we have the range of inventory and industry knowledge to provide you with a single source for all of your industrial and commercial electrical requirements

   Azzan Al Badi Trading

   P.O Box 181, P.C 311, Sohar, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 96516494

   +968 26845825



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