Bahwan Engineering Group, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Bahwan Engineering Group
Seller ID: SA7441927326
Registration Date: 26-07-2017 12:35:28
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
Established Year: 1977
Total Staff: 19,000
Category: Group of Company
Sub Category: Mechanical or Industrial Engineering

Bahwan Engineering Group

Founded in 1977, Bahwan Engineering Company (BEC) is one of Oman's foremost Engineering, Construction and Trading Company in Oman.For nearly 4 decades, BEC has been associated with nation-building projects in Oman and UAE. Its core values, Integrity, Excellence, Commitment and Teamwork, have enabled the Group to successfully execute numerous projects to exacting standards and has established itself as the first choice in integrated construction projects in sectors such as Oil, Gas and Power, HV Transmission & Distribution, Airports, Hotels, Hospitals and Commercial-Residential Complexes. BEC is the first company in its category to achieve ISO 9000 certification for "Project management and construction activity comprising civil, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation works associated with oil, gas, power and industrial projects.

   Bahwan Engineering Group

   P.O. Box 703, PC 112 Ruwi, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24597510



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