Beladi International L.L.C., Bareeq Al Shatti, , Sultanate of Oman
Beladi International L.L.C.
Seller ID: SA5852368497
Registration Date: 27-08-2017 17:18:38
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Building Materials and Construction
Established Year: 1999
Total Staff:
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Building Materials and Construction

Beladi International L.L.C.

Beladi International L.L.C., Omani subsidiary of Beladi Group, was a natural extension to our expanding vision of International business. The group started in 1999 as a small enterprise formed by junior businessmen eager to expand their vision of internationalization of their market. Since the economic booming experienced in the Omani market, we focused on acquiring direct business correlations among our national and foreign costumers. As all genuine ideas started by a small group of university undergraduates having simple commercial goals in trading, that led to larger expansions into different fields of commercial, construction and contract sectors.

   Beladi International L.L.C.

   PO Box 199, PC 103, Bareeq Al Shatti, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24486777



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