Best Oil and Gas Solution LLC, Al-Khuwair, , Sultanate of Oman
Best Oil and Gas Solution LLC
Seller ID: SA9519598378
Registration Date: 02-11-2017 14:28:41
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Oil and Gas
Established Year: 2008
Total Staff:
Category: Oil and Gas
Sub Category: Oil and Gas Equipment

Best Oil and Gas Solution LLC

Best Oil & Gas Solution LLC (BOGS), has emerged as a second generation Company established in the year 2008 in Sultanate of Oman to serve in the Oil & Gas sectors and other process facilities, with the main focus on execution of EPC projects and providing multi specialized services including maintenance disciplines. We have provided services to various clients with fast track projects, low cost and efficient operations with best quality. Our employees apply their technical skills and creative energy to complete the task well in time with optimum cost. We have a dedicated team of more than 300+ personnel, consisting of professionally qualified and experienced Managers, Engineers, Supervisors and Work Crew, possessing work experience of more than 10 years who can manage the work under their entity. We are equipped with latest and highly sophisticated new Plant & Machineries, Tools & Tackles and Instruments. Our fabrication facility is in Operation at ‘SAMAIL Industrial Area’ near Muscat in an area of 30,000 m². The workshop is equipped with Plate Rolling Machine, Section Bending Machine, Iron worker and other equipment's required for Structural and piping fabrication works. This facility is accredited with ASME U, S & R Code stamping. We are in the process of PDO Approval for our workshop. This facility would cater the needs of projects in and around Oman, in the areas of structural & piping spooling, supply of pressure vessels, process equipment and skids including industrial painting and associated maintenance services. We follow an excellent Quality Management System which is accredited to ISO 9001:2008 by ApplusVQMI. Quality Management System in BOGS are adequately supported by a team of highly qualified and experienced QMS team consisting Lead & Internal Auditors, QA/QC Inspectors and well defined Quality Control Procedures and practices.

   Best Oil and Gas Solution LLC

   P.O Box: 1632, Postal Code: 133, Al-Khuwair, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24503977



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