Bhacker Haji Abdullatiff Fazul Co LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Bhacker Haji Abdullatiff Fazul Co LLC
Seller ID: SA7825423189
Registration Date: 20-07-2017 12:26:53
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Maritime
Established Year: 1895
Total Staff: 1-10
Category: Shipping Services
Sub Category: Shipping Lines

Bhacker Haji Abdullatiff Fazul Co LLC

Popularly known within Omani trading circles as “Haji Bhacker” the company is synonymous with shipping today. Established in 1895 by the late Abdullatiff, the company is essentially a family business named after his eldest son Bhacker. The present management is the third generation in the business chain acquiring it from the sons of Mr. Abdullatiff, Messrs. Bhacker and Ali. The company was set up as a trading house initially dealing in fire arms and pearls. Which later became a leading exporter of fish mainly to Germany and Holland.Bristish lines operating then between Muscat and Europe had limited shipping space for cargo and the search for additional shipping opportunities resulted in contact with the German Hansa Line, who appointed the company as their agents in Muscat. This association in the 1920's introduced the company to shipping Until Port Sultan Qaboos became operational in 1974, ships used to anchor in Muttrah Bay for discharging/loading cargo and the lighterage was handled by the company on a more or less exclusive contract with the Government.

   Bhacker Haji Abdullatiff Fazul Co LLC

   P.O. Box 1068, P.C.112, Ruwi, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24714221



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