Blue Target Trading LLC, Al Udhaybah, , Sultanate of Oman
Blue Target Trading LLC
Seller ID: SA2779483345
Registration Date: 12-10-2017 10:31:06
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Oil field Equipment's
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Oilfield Services
Sub Category: Wireline Services

Blue Target Trading LLC

In this fast moving world of technology, with software and information systems changing every day, the fastener industry cannot be far behind. With a vision of providing innovative technological solutions and quality products that meet the requirement and satisfaction of clients in mind BTT was formed. BTT an ISO 9001-2008 certified company is a proud member of the MEPS family. MEPS is one of the biggest supplier of oil-field products to PDO, its contractors and other reputed organisations in and around Oman. Its offshoot BTT has come forth with the modern technology in fasteners, which increases time efficiency and reduces costs. The fact that Omani products are taking the lead in the local market becoming the first choice of national and expat clients, led BTT to set up its manufacturing plant in Oman and provide the fastening products completely manufactured and assembled locally, thus becoming a proud partner in promoting “Omani” brand to the industrial sector.

   Blue Target Trading LLC

   P.O Box 1521, Postal Code 130, Al Udhaybah, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24446535



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