Bushra Agricultural Co. LLC, Muttrah, , Sultanate of Oman
Bushra Agricultural Co. LLC
Seller ID: SA1317346179
Registration Date: 26-10-2017 17:04:16
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Agriculture
Established Year: 1985
Total Staff:
Category: Agriculture
Sub Category: Farms

Bushra Agricultural Co. LLC

Bushra Agricultural Co. LLC is established in 1985 and since then it is one of the leading agricultural companies in the Sultanate of Oman. The company owns self maintained agricultural farms in & around Muscat region and engaged in the activities such as Farm Development, Irrigation, and Live Stock Farming & Agriculture.Today, the company's interest is diverse, extending the activities in the areas of Farm Development, Irrigation, Agriculture as well as retail of agriculture products such as Fertilizers & Seeds, Pesticides and other agricultural materials.Bushra Agriculture has invested in new technology, research and farming methods, while remaining eco-friendly and keeping Oman green in every step. The company produces total fresh vegetables and fruits direct from Oman soil. These are harvested, sorted and packed under supervision and are distributed across Oman.

   Bushra Agricultural Co. LLC

   P.O.Box:1812, Muttrah, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24607784



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