Celebrity Systems, Al Udhaybah, , Sultanate of Oman
Celebrity Systems
Seller ID: SA3253287824
Registration Date: 09-11-2017 15:29:48
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Building & Construction Electronics
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Building and Construction
Sub Category: Building Materials

Celebrity Systems

Just by looking at where we are today, we can already see how powerful technology has been in shaping our world. Through the years, scientists have introduced cutting-edge technologies intended to make life a lot more convenient for humans. Technological advancements happen so fast that people’s current way of life always seems out of date relative to these advancements. The introduction of new-fangled pieces of knowledge especially in the fields of electronics and information technology has radically altered this world in so many ways, and this becomes even more evident in the continuous development of forward-looking devices and systems that people before never knew could exist.

   Celebrity Systems

   P.O. Box 1037, PC 130, Al Udhaybah, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 98250983

   +968 24507060



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