Cemco Construction and Contracting Company LLC, Al Buraimi, , Sultanate of Oman
Cemco Construction and Contracting Company LLC
Seller ID: SA4842828453
Registration Date: 24-09-2017 16:54:13
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Construction & Engineering
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Group of Companies
Sub Category: Construction & Engineering

Cemco Construction and Contracting Company LLC

CEMCO CONTRACTING COMPANY LLC is a wholly Omani owned EXCELLENT GRADE Civil Construction Company, ISO 9001 certified since May 2008. Established in 2000, CEMCO today has to its credit about 250 construction projects both large and small Government and private executed in diverse, often remote, geographic locations. CEMCO expertise in the construction field is complemented by In-house Civil, Electromechanical, Interior Décor/Carpentry Divisions. CEMCO commitment to the projects it undertakes is total from planning to execution and completion complying in all respects with contractual requirements and satisfy the stated and implied needs of the client. We plan so that the construction is completed within the allowed time schedule and achieve the set quality and safety standards at the lowest possible cost. We accomplish this through the efficient combination of Professional engineers, technicians, skilled and semi skilled manpower and modern construction equipment. No doubt, CEMCO enjoys an enviable reputation of a reliable and quality conscious contractor amongst the Government and private clients.

   Cemco Construction and Contracting Company LLC

   P.O. Box 330, P.C.512, Al Buraimi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 25651186



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