Cemec Engineering & Trading LLC, Al Udhaybah, , Sultanate of Oman
Cemec Engineering & Trading LLC
Seller ID: SA1348429237
Registration Date: 28-08-2017 10:37:47
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Engineering Service
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Trading Company
Sub Category: Engineering Service

Cemec Engineering & Trading LLC

Cemec Engineering and Trading LLC believes in complementing the dynamism of the senior management that has been with the company through years with the best new talent in the market. Teams are selected with care to ensure that the project benefits from the in-house expertise and meets the specific challenges that the work involves. The middle and the senior level management display exceptional commitment and involvement in successfully executing projects, and providing the team with the right direction and support. Teamwork is the artery through which the delivery systems work, and this is visible right from the ground up.

   Cemec Engineering & Trading LLC

   P.O.Box 1235, PC 130, Al Udhaybah, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24422164



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