Civil Contracting Company LLC (CIVILCO), Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Civil Contracting Company LLC (CIVILCO)
Seller ID: SA9719832558
Registration Date: 28-08-2017 16:28:39
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Contracting Company
Established Year: 1974
Total Staff: 1001-5000
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Civil Engineering Works

Civil Contracting Company LLC (CIVILCO)

Civil Contracting Co. (CIVILCO) LLC, an ISO 9001-20080 company, part of Ali Mirza Group of companies, started in 1974 as an Electro – Mechanical division. Actively contributed to nation building projects and grown with the nation as an established EPC Contractor. Civil is constantly delivering high-Quality EPC Projects in different sectors which include, but not restricted to, Power Generation, Electrical Grid stations, Transmission units, Water networks, Sewage, and RO plants. Also, it is enriched with Turnkey Contracts in the field of Oil and Gas sector with Erection and Commissioning of Gas treatment plants, Booster stations, and Chemical plants. We have the in-house capability to execute Turnkey projects in the sector of Oil & Gas, Power, Public Health Engineering and various specialized and diversified projects. The company further ventured into operation and maintenance sector. The company has taken part in the operations and maintenance of different project of which are Maintenance of Gas turbines based Power Station (300MW), Maintenance of 220/132KV Grid stations & Transmission Network including Primary Substations. This specialization/undertaking has given us immense confidence to continuously improve and provide our expert services to the nation.

   Civil Contracting Company LLC (CIVILCO)

   P.O Box: 1321, Ruwi Postal Code: 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman 112


   +968 24590762



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