College of Banking and Financial Studies, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
College of Banking and Financial Studies
Seller ID: SA8128442313
Registration Date: 26-08-2017 19:09:39
Free Member / Active
Business Type: College
Established Year: 1983
Total Staff: 100
Category: Educational Institutes And Universities
Sub Category: College & Universities

College of Banking and Financial Studies

The College of Banking and Financial Studies (CBFS) is a government organization established by a Royal Decree in 1983 with the objectives of educating and training bankers and encouraging research in Banking and Financial subjects. It is under the juristic supervision of the Central Bank of Oman (CBO) and is supported by the commercial banks operating in the Sultanate. Over three decades, the College has been helping the financial services industry to meet its human resource development needs by offering academic and training courses that are tailor-made for the emerging needs of Oman. It is an active partner in the Omanization of the banking sector.Having redefined its Vision and Mission, the College is committed to becoming a leading Higher Education Institution in Banking and Finance in the region.It proposes to do so by adding further to its portfolio of internationally accredited educational programmes and by ensuring that capacity building matches with the dynamics of the market place.

   College of Banking and Financial Studies

   P.O.Box: 3122, P.C: 112, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24505796



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