Compass Oil Services, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Compass Oil Services
Seller ID: SA1258145311
Registration Date: 01-09-2017 13:11:25
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Drilling Rigs
Established Year: 2011
Total Staff: 11-50
Category: Oil and Energy
Sub Category: Drilling Rigs

Compass Oil Services

Compass Oil Services is a local independent company providing reliable, innovative, and highly technical well placement services to the oil and gas drilling industry. Throughout its history, Compass has sustained a spirit of innovation and determination, to overcome the difficulties faced by its customers in their daily operations and to meet and exceed their quality expectation. Compass Oil Services currently offers the following services and the company continues to grow will be offering further services to our clients.Directional Drilling,MWD,Well Planing,Rotary Steerable,Wireline, Cassing Accessories

   Compass Oil Services

   P.O.Box 733, P.C 133, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 133


   +968 24342535



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