Competence HR LLC, Jibroo, , Sultanate of Oman
Competence HR LLC
Seller ID: SA7416459164
Registration Date: 28-10-2017 12:49:47
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Training & Education
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Consultancy
Sub Category: Human Resource Company

Competence HR LLC

Many consultant companies only work with businesses, however, at Competence HR we work to support candidates also.Candidates need to be able to present themselves to future employers in the best possible light. We can help you do this. Often we find candidates send their CV to be considered for a vacancy and without really reading it fully, it would be discounted because of poor presentation, too many pages, difficulty in reading etc.It is important that the CV is clear, to the point and worded specifically for the vacancy for which the candidate is applying. We will write up your CV for you, giving you options to be used for different types of vacancies if appropriate. This is certainly a time when ‘one size fits all’ does not work!

   Competence HR LLC

   P.o Box 439 P.c 114, Jibroo, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24492330,24491220



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