Enshaat Construction and Building Materials Mfg LLC (ECBMM), Al Khuwair, , Sultanate Of Oman
Enshaat Construction and Building Materials Mfg LLC (ECBMM)
Seller ID: SA6671283457
Registration Date: 17-10-2017 12:21:54
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Construction Companies
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Construction Equipment

Enshaat Construction and Building Materials Mfg LLC (ECBMM)

Enshaat Construction and Building Materials Mfg. LLC (ECBMM) takes the pride in being one of the system driven Construction and Manufacturing firms in the Sultanate of Oman, having achieved remarkable growth within two years of start and contributing significantly to the residential development of Oman. The company attained the pre eminence in the field of construction and manufacturing through its core competence of competitiveness and on time delivery with the highest quality standards and unrivalled safety performance. We have the rich tradition of serving our valued customers to their utmost satisfaction through efficient management and excellent workmanship, which we will continue to maintain with untiring efforts of our team.In the era of advanced technologies and new techniques, we continuously strive for innovation and enhanced efficiency. ENSHAAT has a manufacturing division producing eco-friendly modular components such as Insulated Wall and Floor Panels, Steel Mesh, Structural Columns and Beams and Gypsum Blocks. The Eco friendly fast track construction methodology strictly follows BS codes and is based on LEED® principles.

   Enshaat Construction and Building Materials Mfg LLC (ECBMM)

   P.o Box 1304, P.c 133, Al Khuwair, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 2439 0800



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