Evolution Overseas LLC, AL Seeb, , Sultanate of Oman
Evolution Overseas LLC
Seller ID: SA8268928741
Registration Date: 12-11-2017 13:22:18
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Interior Decorators
Established Year: 2010
Total Staff:
Category: Building and Construction
Sub Category: Interior Decorators

Evolution Overseas LLC

Evolution Overseas was formed in the year 2010. It is the fusion of two powerhouses. The Omani promoters are held in high esteem for having built and established many businesses, the most eminent among them, the Middle East College, the largest private higher education institute in the Sultanate. The Singaporean promoter has over 20 years of experience as a construction giant, having done the entire planning, design, engineering and construction of prestigious projects in China, South East Asia, India, Pakistan, the Middle East and Africa. It is not without reason that these two have come together. They have a common philosophy of delivering excellent customer value-superior service, unmatched after sales and cost effective solutions.

   Evolution Overseas LLC

   P.O Box 1275,P.C 121, AL Seeb, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24544502



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