Global Edu Oman, Al Hamriyah, , Sultanate of Oman
Global Edu Oman
Seller ID: SA6335965725
Registration Date: 12-01-2018 19:07:01
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Training Institute
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Educational Institutes and Universities
Sub Category: Training Institutes

Global Edu Oman

Choosing the right Study Abroad program is your first step towards achieving your personal and academic goals. At GlobalEdu Higher Education Services, we help you make informed decisions as an aspiring student, guiding you to world-class universities around the globe, bring you the best study programs and open the doors to a whole new world of opportunities. As consultants, we extend a whole array of dedicated services that make achieving you academic goals easier, faster and a whole lot more convenient. Guiding you through every process and procedure on the way, while addressing your specific needs and requirements in a most professional manner.

   Global Edu Oman

   PO Box 1046, PC 131, Al Hamriyah, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 92981182

   +968 24491715



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