Golden Jeed Trade LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Golden Jeed Trade LLC
Seller ID: SA7614462642
Registration Date: 20-07-2017 11:02:31
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Interior Decoration
Established Year: 1991
Total Staff: 5,001-10,000
Category: Trading Companies
Sub Category: Laundry Services

Golden Jeed Trade LLC

ALMOST is proud to have assisted in transforming undeveloped areas into thriving communities by building educational and health facilities of all sizes in almost all the regions of Oman. ALM EST'S expertise in construction is not limited to the construction of educational and health facilities as stated above – an area in which it has concentrated more over the years to achieve a high turnover. It encompasses the construction of luxury villas, high rise residential buildings, and commercial complexes also. ELECTROMECHANICAL division of ALMEST has equally contributed to the community by successfully executing several street lighting jobs, installation of sub stations, the wiring of commercial buildings and luxury villas for lighting, fire fighting and security. INTERIOR DÉCOR/CARPENTRY division of ALMEST has taken great strides and executed several large and small interior décor/carpentry jobs for colleges, luxury villas, prestigious shops and commercial/residential buildings – with its well-equipped carpentry workshop at Ghana.

   Golden Jeed Trade LLC

   P.O Box 254 - Postal Code 322, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman





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