Grofin Oman, Ruwi, , Sultanate Of Oman
Grofin Oman
Seller ID: SA8529476817
Registration Date: 05-10-2017 13:03:13
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Financial Services and Banks
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Banking & Finance
Sub Category: Financial Services

Grofin Oman

GroFin is a pioneering development financier specializing in financing and supporting small and growing businesses (SGBs) across Africa and the Middle East. We combine patient capital and specialized business support to grow emerging market enterprises. By generating employment, strengthening value chains and building markets, our investments bring about inclusive growth and improved living conditions in low and middle-income countries.We were formally set up in 2004 but grew out of the RAPS group of companies that have been investing in SMEs since 1999. From the outset, we focused on providing finance to help small and growing businesses to develop, but also provide integrated business support to underserved entrepreneurs who find it difficult to get the support they need.

   Grofin Oman

   P.o Box 1405, P.c 112, Ruwi, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 24117579, 24117567



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