Gulf Agency Co LLC, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Gulf Agency Co LLC
Seller ID: SA1933923395
Registration Date: 24-10-2017 11:07:24
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Maritime
Established Year: 1956
Total Staff: 5001-10,000
Category: Shipping Services
Sub Category: Air Cargo Services

Gulf Agency Co LLC

GAC Oman was established in 1971 and we are now one of the leading shipping and forwarding agents in the country providing a comprehensive portfolio of professional shipping, logistics and marine services nationwide. We operate at the ports of Muscat, Salalah, Sohar, Sur, Khazab and Duqm.Since our establishment in 1972,we have built up a comprehensive portfolio of shipping, logistics and marine services. GAC Oman is dedicated to delivering excellentservices at highly competitive prices.Comprehensive coverage With operations spanning from its own purpose-built office in Muscat to branches in Seeb Airport and the main seaport of Port Sultan Qaboos in the capital areas as well as in Salalah, industrial city of Duqm, Sohar and Sur, we provide complete coverage nationwide.In addition to our state-of-the-art 24/7 warehouse at Al Khuwair, we have established a facility in Ghala to meet the growing demands of our customers

   Gulf Agency Co LLC

   P.0 Box 740 P.c 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24477800



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