Gulf College, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Gulf College
Seller ID: SA5363666862
Registration Date: 29-08-2017 10:42:52
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Education & Management
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Educational Institutes And Universities
Sub Category: College & Universities

Gulf College

Gulf College International Students' Ambassador Club is a new College initiative proposed by the Centre for Career Guidance and Alumni Affairs and Gulf College international undergraduate students. Ambassadors are students who are currently studying at Gulf College and who have chosen to represent the college in the world. GC international ambassadors help other students with practical tips about life in Oman and studies at Gulf College. They take part in activities organised by the College, and share their emotions, hopes, dreams and experiences through the club’s facebook page .They share ideas, participate in different events, and appreciate each other’s cultures. So far, 17 international students have joined the club, making it a multi-variegated group of people coming from different corners of the world.

   Gulf College

   P.O.Box 885, Al Khuwair Postal Code 133, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman 133


   +968 24468666 24600665



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