Gulf Oilfields & Industrial Supplies LLC, Al Wadi Al-Kabir, , Sultanate of Oman
Gulf Oilfields & Industrial Supplies LLC
Seller ID: SA5925415895
Registration Date: 07-10-2017 12:02:38
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Industrial Services
Established Year: 2004
Total Staff:
Category: Industrial Services
Sub Category: Commercial and industrial Engineering Service

Gulf Oilfields & Industrial Supplies LLC

Started in 2004, GOIS has touched scoring heights of distinctive recognition in Oman market. GOIS represents an enthusiastic team who understands the importance of team work, recognize the efforts made by others and respect their opinions.Here, we are referring not only to our relationships with one another but also our relationships with suppliers and other partners-especially our customers.Gois believes in the modern SUPPLIER meaning:active subject that actively takes part in the value chain' A value that emerges from competence, flexibility, innovation and availability, always being oriented to the customer's necessities and the continuous interaction with them. We are proud to be an established supplier to oil & gas refineries, ship builders, electromechanical & associated enigineering industries that recognize our potential in supplying the highest quality of materials. Today we take pride in saying that we have not only retained the trust of our principals,but also of our clients who ultimately benefit from our stringent rules on quality control. Gois provides the highest quality of service, thus building a good working relationship with each individual customer.Our philisophy is to create value for our customers by offering them the best materials,products and services that respond to their specific needs and allowing them to develop their markets.Customer satisfaction is our priority.Gois reputation is based on the quality of our employees which reflects our efficiency, flexibility and support.

   Gulf Oilfields & Industrial Supplies LLC

   PO Box 423, PC 117, Al Wadi Al-Kabir, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24818163,24819168



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