Gulf Stone Company SAOG, Sohar Industrial, , Sultanate of Oman
Gulf Stone Company SAOG
Seller ID: SA7883142447
Registration Date: 22-08-2017 18:42:57
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Gulf Stone Company SAOG

The technology is exclusive and is from M/s. Breton s.p.a of Italy and product can be defined as a high density material as it is made of granules of high grade quartz/silica (91-93%) blended with engineered polyester resin, an organic compound as a binding agent. The sustainable aesthetic appeal of the GULF STONE ENGINEERED QUARTZ are linked to the colouring giving by organic pigments which can be added to the bounding agent in order to create non-naturally occurring ranges of colours with a palate of rich shades. The wide dimensional range, the numberless chromatic possibilities, the outstanding technical characteristics and addition of heterogeneous material such as mirror makes our product for omni purpose uses and fitted well innumerable decorative possibilities

   Gulf Stone Company SAOG

   P.O.Box:47, Postal Code:327, Sohar Industrial, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 26751675



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