Haffa House Muscat, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Haffa House Muscat
Seller ID: SA4981487858
Registration Date: 07-09-2017 15:20:09
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Hotel and Resort
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Hotel and Restaurant
Sub Category: Accommodation

Haffa House Muscat

The Hospitality division of Shanfari Group of Companies formed 25 years back to give the nation the best hospitality experience for the visitors and locals. The first venue was in Salalah with Haffa House situated right in the heart of city having around 120 rooms built in a complex combing hotels and shopping malls. Since then, we have grown extensively opening one beach resort, Samharam Tourist Village in Salalah with 174 units and Haffa House Hotel Muscat in Ruwi Main Street with 95 Rooms and Jabal Al Akhdhar Hotel and Sama Hotel in Jabal Akhdhar and we are still growing.

   Haffa House Muscat

   P.O Box: 1498, P.C: 114, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24707207



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