HAL Services LLC, Al harthy Complex, , Sultanate of Oman
HAL Services LLC
Seller ID: SA6923197776
Registration Date: 17-10-2017 15:55:44
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Logistics & Transportation
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Transportation and Logistics
Sub Category: Cargo and Freight Services

HAL Services LLC

Hal Services emerges as pioneers in the area of Support services for the Oil & Gas sector with their highly specialized Logistics and transportation services. Hal Services have been on the fore front since 1989 and have been recognized for their proven track record and long standing contended clients across Oman.Hal Services was incorporated under the visionary leadership of Mr. Bahij yasmina, known for his successful business ventures in multiple countries across the Middle East. In the last two decades of operations in the Sultanate we can boast of a proven track record and rich experience in providing oilfield cargo and land transportation services to some of the premiere companies.

   HAL Services LLC 93, Postal Code 118, Al harthy Complex, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24437042



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